ECJ backs up tough Italian approach to exclusion of non-payers of social security contributions -- will this carry on under Directive 2014/24? (C-199/15)

In its Judgment of 10 November 2016 in Ciclat, C-199/15, EU:C:2016:853 (only in FR and IT), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has issued a preliminary ruling concerning the compatibility with the pre-2014 EU public procurement rules (Dir 2004/18) of a set of Italian rules that mandates the exclusion of undertakings that have been found to have gravely failed to meet all their social security obligations at the time of the tender, and irrespective of any subsequent regularisation of the situation prior to the award of the contract, or even prior to the assessment of that situation by the contracting authority.

According to the relevant Italian rules, contracting authorities must exclude undertakings that have been definitively found to have committed serious offences regarding the payment of social security contributions in accordance with Italian legislation or that of the State in which they are established (C-199/15, para 8, own translation from French). The only tolerance against this ground of mandatory exclusion is that an offence against the social security will not be considered grave where the difference between the sums owed and those paid does not exceed EUR 100 and is less than 5% of the sums owed (C-199/15, para 11, own translation from French). 

The Ciclat case can be seen as a twin of the previous Judgment of 10 July 2014 in Consorzio Stabile Libor Lavori Pubblici (C-358/12, EU:C:2014:2063) where the ECJ assessed the compatibility with EU law of the same Italian rules for the exclusion of undertakings that have committed serious offences against the social security of their country of establishment, but in the context of the procurement of contracts below the EU thresholds. In that case, the ECJ considered that the Italian rule was compatible with Articles 49 TFEU and 56 TFEU and the principle of proportionality. Equally and unsurprisingly, in Ciclat, the ECJ has determined that

Article 45 of Directive 2004/18 ... does not preclude national legislation ... which obliges contracting authorities to consider as grounds for exclusion an offense in relation to the payment of social security contributions, which is established in a certificate automatically requested by the contracting authority and issued by the social security institutions, where such infringement existed at the date of participation in a tender, even if it no longer existed on the date of the award of the contract or that of the automatic control by the contracting authority (C-199/15, para 40, own translation from French). 

Despite not advancing EU public procurement law in any relevant way, the Ciclat Judgment can be criticised on two accounts.

First, because the ECJ ducked a relevant question of reverse discrimination due to the different documentary rules applicable to Italian companies (which were subject to the stringent system of automatic certification by the social security administration that gave rise to the case), whereas non-Italian EU tenderers could benefit from the greater flexibility of self-certification (see C-199/15, paras 38-39). At some point, the ECJ will have to stop avoiding problematic issues of reverse discrimination and start constructing a better line of case law that is more attuned to the needs of undertakings competing in an internal market.

Second, the Ciclat Judgment can be criticised for its excessive rigidity. Not only due to the lack of consideration of the very low threshold amounts of tolerance for unpaid social security contributions (or taxes)--which was already the position after Consorzio Stabile Libor Lavori Pubblici--but also due to the irrelevance given to an effective remediation of the infringement by the tenderer, which goes against trends aimed at facilitating substantial compliance and corporate (voluntary) self-cleaning. 

However, this second criticism may seem as not really relevant from a practical perspective in view of the greater flexibility that Article 57(2) Dir 2014/24 has introduced if compared with Art 45 Dir 2004/18 (see discussion here). Indeed, under the 2014 rules, exclusion on the basis of an infringement of social security law (or tax law), even if the infringement has been established by a judicial or administrative decision having final and binding effect in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which it is established, this exclusion ground will cease to apply where "the economic operator has fulfilled its obligations by paying or entering into a binding arrangement with a view to paying the taxes or social security contributions due, including, where applicable, any interest accrued or fines."

But a close consideration of this provision shows that the moment in which consideration must be paid by the contracting authority to the remedial action taken by the tenderer that was initially found to infringe social security (or tax) law is not specified, and therefore left to the national implementing conditions adopted in each Member State on the basis of Art 57(7) Dir 2014/24. Thus, a possible reading of Ciclat would be to consider that it is compatible with EU procurement law to establish the last date for the submission of tenders as the cut-off date for the assessment of compliance with (or remedy of an infringement of) social security (and tax) law--to the exclusion of any remedial action taken before the contracting authority evaluates the tenders, or even before the contracting authority actually assesses compliance with exclusion and selection criteria. In my view, that would deprive the new rules in Art 57(2) [and, for the same reasons, in Art 57(6) on self-cleaning] of practical effect.

Consequently, the Ciclat Judgment keeps adding reasons to the need to establish a special inter partes procedure where the contracting authority gives a chance to the undertaking to clarify its current situation of compliance or not with social security (and tax) requirements [but, more generally, in relation to any exclusion ground the contracting authority aims to enforce] before proceeding to its effective exclusion. This is not only a practical need, but a requirement derived from the general principles in the EU public procurement Directives and, more generally, the duty of good administration of Art 41 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Fur further discussion of this important issue, see A Sanchez-Graells, "If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It’? EU Requirements of Administrative Oversight and Judicial Protection for Public Contracts", to be published in S Torricelli & F Folliot Lalliot (eds), Administrative oversight and judicial protection for public contracts (Larcier, 2017) forthcoming.

CJEU clearly indicates total lack of will to effectively become EU's constitutional court (C-206/13)

In its Judgment of 6 March 2014 in case C-206/13 Siragusa, the Court of Justice of the EU has continued developing its case law on the lack of applicability / jurisdiction to interpret the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (CFREU) in purely domestic situations (which it had, amongst other instances, already indicated in Romeo).
In my view, the approach adopted by the CJEU is prone to create potential situations of reverse discrimination and may end up creating multiple (and possibly conflicting) standards of protection of fundamental rights in the EU with significant constitutional implications.
In the case at hand, the CJEU was presented with a question on the interpretation of the right to property recognised in article 17 CFREU and, more specifically, on whether it could be constructed as a limit against certain landscape protection rules applicable in Italy. The issue was raised by an Italian court hearing a dispute between an Italian citizen and an Italian public authority. Despite the efforts in trying to connect the situation with the (indirect) application of EU environmental law, the CJEU was not persuaded that there was a sufficient connection and, therefore, rejected to provide a substantive interpretation. The main argument of the CJEU was indeed that
30 [...] there is nothing to suggest that the provisions of Legislative Decree [...] fall within the scope of EU law. Those provisions do not implement rules of EU law [...].

31 It is also important to consider the objective of protecting fundamental rights in EU law, which is to ensure that those rights are not infringed in areas of EU activity, whether through action at EU level or through the implementation of EU law by the Member States.

32 The reason for pursuing that objective is the need to avoid a situation in which the level of protection of fundamental rights varies according to the national law involved in such a way as to undermine the unity, primacy and effectiveness of EU law (see, to that effect, Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft [1970] ECR 1125, paragraph 3, and Case C‑399/11 Melloni [2013] ECR, paragraph 60). However, there is nothing in the order for reference to suggest that any such risk is involved in the case before the referring court.

33 It follows from all the foregoing that it has not been established that the Court has jurisdiction to interpret Article 17 of the Charter (see, to that effect, Case C‑245/09 Omalet [2010] ECR I‑13771, paragraph 18; see also the Orders in Case C‑457/09 Chartry [2011] ECR I‑819, paragraphs 25 and 26; Case C‑134/12 Corpul Naţional al Poliţiştilor [2012] ECR, paragraph 15; Case C‑498/12 Pedone [2013] ECR, paragraph 15; and Case C‑371/13 SC Schuster & Co Ecologic [2013] ECR, paragraph 18)
(C-206/13 at paras 30-33, emphasis added).
In my view, this line of reasoning (acknowledgedly, rather in line with art 51 CFREU and art 6 TEU) is clearly problematic. To begin with, because it clearly disconnects (implicitly, at least) the protection of the CFREU rights from EU citizenship (art 20 TFEU, coupled with the general prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of nationality in art 18 TFEU). The CJEU has clearly considered it insufficient that EU citizens can be granted different levels of protection of their CFREU rights at domestic level as a result of the application of the domestic laws as sufficient justification for intervention (i.e. to assume jurisdiction and provide legal interpretation). By restricting the goal of a common level of protection of CFREU rights to cases in which 'the unity, primacy and effectiveness of EU law' is affected and excluding its competence, the CJEU seems to forget that the CFREU is in itself EU law and, consequently, that it should be afforded the same treatment as the other Treaty provisions.
Secondly, the CJEU is laying down too strong foundations for unresolved problems of reverse discrimination. If the claimant in Siragusa had not been Italian and, consequently, a (very loose) connection to free movement rights could be established, the CJEU may have been willing to assess the intervention by the Italian State on the property of a (moving) EU citizen under a different light (worse still, that challenge could be easier for corporate claimants than for individuals, at least if they do not engage in an economic activity, since 'corporate citizens' could also be potentially protected by freedom of establishment).
In such a case, the trigger for the application of the CFREU would be equally unrelated to the content of the rights of the CFREU themselves and, sometimes, the trigger for CJEU intervention may simply result from the fact that the EU citizen affected exercised or not free movement rights--which, in my view, continues to create an unjustifiable discrimination between moving (proper) EU citizens and non-moving (unaware) EU citizens that can only continue to erode the potential development of the EU.
Finally, this line of reasoning may end up creating a situation where the (constitutional) courts of the Member States may be obliged to enforce at the same time conflicting standards of substantive protection for a given fundamental right, depending on the 'sorce of law' that controls it in a given situation. And that will surely be difficult to understand. How could 'my' right to private property be different under 'my' domestic constitutional law protection or under 'my' CFREU protection, depending on factors unrelated to me, my property, or the rules (primarily) applicable? Surely the compatibility between the CFREU and competing (superior) standards of protection (those derived from the European Convention on Human Rights) have (somehow) been ironed out in art 52(3) CFREU. However, the situation is not the same with (lower-ranking?) domestic standards of protection [art 52(4) CFREU is clearly insufficient for that task] and, in my view, the CJEU approach is not helpful in that regard either.
Therefore, the continued rejection of its role as a constitutional court of the EU and the increasing restriction of the scope of application of the CFREU in which the CJEU is engaged are, in my view, undesirable developments in EU law.