Public consultation on procurement planning by the Spanish Competition Authority now open (until 20/12)


The Spanish Competition Authority (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC) is in the process of revising its 2011 Guide on public procurement and competition to reflect recent developments and the change of regulatory framework derived from the transposition of the 2014 EU Public Procurement Package [for a critical assessment of the original guide, in Spanish, see A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Una Visión Crítica de la 'Guía Sobre Contratación Pública y Competencia' Publicada por la CNC’ (2011) 21 Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia 15-31].

The CNMC plans to update their guidance in steps, and has started the process by focusing on procurement planning. In order to gather input into the formulation of guidance on procurement planning from a competition perspective, the CNMC has published a short preliminary working paper (in Spanish), is holding a public conference on 3 December (in which I am honoured to participate), and has also opened a public consultation (closes 20 Dec 2019).

Even thought, unfortunately, this is a process mainly conducted in Spanish, I am sure the CNMC would welcome any contributions on best procurement planning practices and on the impact of planning on competition via email: (subject: “Consulta pública Planificación de la contratación pública", indicating whether your contribution can be published or should remain confidential). In case of interest, below is my own contribution to the public consultation (in Spanish).