New SSRN working paper on Qualification, Selection and Exclusion of Economic Operators Under Spanish Public Procurement Law

I have just uploaded a new working paper on the University of Leicester School of Law Research Paper Series.
This paper provides an overview of the rules on qualification, selection and exclusion of economic operators for the purposes of public procurement under Spanish law (mainly, Royal Decree Law 3/2011, which approves the consolidated text of the Public Sector Contracts Act). 
It focuses on the transposition of the EU rules under Directive 2004/18 (as Directive 2014/24 is yet to be transposed), as well as their interpretation and implementation by the Spanish judiciary and public procurement advisory bodies, central and regional. 
Where relevant, it identifies points of convergence or departure with the rules of Directive 2014/24 as areas of particular relevance for legislative reform in view of ensuring a proper transposition prior to April 2016.
The full reference is: A Sanchez-Graells, Qualification, Selection and Exclusion of Economic Operators Under Spanish Public Procurement Law (January 22, 2015). University of Leicester School of Law Research Paper No. 15-01