European Procurement Law Series

Allow me some marketing of the European Procurement Law Series that a group of colleagues and I are developing. The latest issue (fifth) on the Award of Contracts in EU Procurements is in print and will be available shortly. In my opinion, it provides an interesting overview of practical issues concerned with the award of public contracts, as the abstract stresses:
The award phase is of crucial importance for the outcome of the competition for the contract and it is therefore not surprising that it has been considered in thousands of public procurement disputes in the Member States of the EU.
The subject of this book has for obvious reasons already received scholarly attention in the many books and articles on EU public procurement law. However, the existing literature has seldom been based on a comparative approach covering a broad range of Member States of the European Union with diversified national approaches to EU public procurement law. The present publication is original in this sense and consequently provides the reader with an insight that cannot be found elsewhere.