What's the rush -- some thoughts on the UK's Foundation Model Taskforce and regulation by Twitter

I have been closely following developments on AI regulation in the UK, as part of the background research for the joint submission to the public consultation closing on Wednesday (see here and here). Perhaps surprisingly, the biggest developments do not concern the regulation of AI under the devolved model described in the ‘pro-innovation’ white paper, but its displacement outside existing regulatory regimes—both in terms of funding, and practical power.

Most of the activity and investments are not channelled towards existing resource-strained regulators to support them in their task of issuing guidance on how to deal with AI risks and harms—which stems from the white paper—but in digital industrial policy and R&D projects, including a new major research centre on responsible and trustworthy AI and a Foundation Model Taskforce. A first observation is that this type of investments can be worthwhile, but not at the expense of adequately resourcing regulators facing the tall order of AI regulation.

The UK’s Primer Minister is clearly making a move to use ‘world-leadership in AI safety’ as a major plank of his re-election bid in the coming Fall. I am not only sceptical about this move and its international reception, but also increasingly concerned about a tendency to ‘regulate by Twitter’ and to bullish approaches to regulatory and legal compliance that could well result in squandering a good part of the £100m set aside for the Taskforce.

In this blog, I offer some preliminary thoughts. Comments welcome!

Twitter announcements vs white paper?

During the preparation of our response to the AI public consultation, we had a moment of confusion. The Government published the white paper and an impact assessment supporting it, which primarily amount to doing nothing and maintaining the status quo (aka AI regulatory gap) in the UK. However, there were increasing reports of the Prime Minister’s change of heart after the emergence of a ‘doomer’ narrative peddled by OpenAI’s CEO and others. At some point, the PM sent out a tweet that made us wonder if the Government was changing policy and the abandoning the approach of the white paper even before the end of the public consultation. This was the tweet.

We could not locate any document describing the ‘Safe strategy of AI’, so the only conclusion we could reach is that the ‘strategy’ was the short twitter threat that followed that first tweet.

It was not only surprising that there was no detail, but also that there was no reference to the white paper or to any other official policy document. We were probably not the only ones confused about it (or so we hope!) as it is in general very confusing to have social media messaging pointing out towards regulatory interventions completely outside the existing frameworks—including live public consultations by the government!

It is also confusing to see multiple different documents make reference to different things, and later documents somehow reframing what previous documents mean.

For example, the announcement of the Foundation Model Taskforce came only a few weeks after the publication of the white paper, but there was no mention of it in the white paper itself. Is it possible that the Government had put together a significant funding package and related policy in under a month? Rather than whether it is possible, the question is why do things in this way? And how mature was the thinking behind the Taskforce?

For example, the initial announcement indicated that

The investment will build the UK’s ‘sovereign’ national capabilities so our public services can benefit from the transformational impact of this type of AI. The Taskforce will focus on opportunities to establish the UK as a world leader in foundation models and their applications across the economy, and acting as a global standard bearer for AI safety.

The funding will be invested by the Foundation Model Taskforce in foundation model infrastructure and public service procurement, to create opportunities for domestic innovation. The first pilots targeting public services are expected to launch in the next six months.

Less than two months later, the announcement of the appointment of the Taskforce chair (below) indicated that

… a key focus for the Taskforce in the coming months will be taking forward cutting-edge safety research in the run up to the first global summit on AI safety to be hosted in the UK later this year.

Bringing together expertise from government, industry and academia, the Taskforce will look at the risks surrounding AI. It will carry out research on AI safety and inform broader work on the development of international guardrails, such as shared safety and security standards and infrastructure, that could be put in place to address the risks.

Is it then a Taskforce and pot of money seeking to develop sovereign capabilities and to pilot public sector AI use, or a Taskforce seeking to develop R&D in AI safety? Can it be both? Is there money for both? Also, why steer the £100m Taskforce in this direction and simultaneously spend £31m in funding an academic-led research centre on ethical and trustworthy AI? Is the latter not encompassing issues of AI safety? How will all of these investments and initiatives be coordinated to avoid duplication of effort or replication of regulatory gaps in the disparate consideration of regulatory issues?

Funding and collaboration opportunities announced via Twitter?

Things can get even more confusing or worrying (for me). Yesterday, the Government put out an official announcement and heavy Twitter-based PR to announce the appointment of the Chair of the Foundation Model Taskforce. This announcement raises a few questions. Why on Sunday? What was the rush? Also, what was the process used to select the Chair, if there was one? I have no questions on the profile and suitability of the appointed Chair (have also not looked at them in detail), but I wonder … even if legally compliant to proceed without a formal process with an open call for expressions of interest, is this appropriate? Is the Government stretching the parallelism with the Vaccines Taskforce too far?

Relatedly, there has been no (or I have been unable to locate) official call for expressions of interest from those seeking to get involved with the Taskforce. However, once more, Twitter seems to have been the (pragmatic?) medium used by the newly appointed Chair of the Taskforce. On Sunday itself, this Twitter thread went out:

I find the last bit particularly shocking. A call for expressions of interest in participating in a project capable of spending up to £100m via Google Forms! (At the time of writing), the form is here and its content is as follows:

I find this approach to AI regulation rather concerning and can also see quite a few ways in which the emerging work approach can lead to breaches of procurement law and subsidies controls, or recruitment processes (depending on whether expressions of interest are corporate or individual). I also wonder what is the rush with all of this and what sort of record-keeping will be kept of all this so that it there is adequate accountability of this expenditure. What is the rush?

Or rather, I know that the rush is simply politically-driven and that this is another way in which public funds are at risk for the wrong reasons. But for the entirely arbitrary deadline of the ‘world AI safety summit’ the PM wants to host in the UK in the Fall — preferably ahead of any general election, I would think — it is almost impossible to justify the change of gear between the ‘do nothing’ AI white paper and the ‘rush everything’ approach driving the Taskforce. I hope we will not end up in another set of enquiries and reports, such as those stemming from the PPE procurement scandal or the ventilator challenge, but it is hard to see how this can all be done in a legally compliant manner, and with the serenity. clarity of view and long-term thinking required of regulatory design. Even in the field of AI. Unavoidably, more to follow.

Response to the UK’s March 2023 White Paper "A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation"

Together with colleagues at the Centre for Global Law and Innovation of the University of Bristol Law School, I submitted a response to the UK Government’s public consultation on its ‘pro-innovation’ approach to AI regulation. For an earlier assessment, see here.

The full submission is available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=4477368, and this is the executive summary:

The white paper ‘A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation’ (the ‘AI WP’) claims to advance a ‘pro-innovation, proportionate, trustworthy, adaptable, clear and collaborative’ model that leverages the capabilities and skills of existing regulators to foster AI innovation. This model, we are told, would be underpinned by a set of principles providing a clear, unified, and flexible framework improving upon the current ‘complex patchwork of legal requirements’ and striking ‘the right balance between responding to risks and maximising opportunities.’

In this submission, we challenge such claims in the AI WP. We argue that:

  • The AI WP does not advance a balanced and proportionate approach to AI regulation, but rather, an “innovation first” approach that caters to industry and sidelines the public. The AI WP primarily serves a digital industrial policy goal ‘to make the UK one of the top places in the world to build foundational AI companies’. The public interest is downgraded and building public trust is approached instrumentally as a mechanism to promote AI uptake. Such an approach risks breaching the UK’s international obligations to create a legal framework that effectively protects fundamental rights in the face of AI risks. Additionally, in the context of public administration, poorly regulated AI could breach due process rules, putting public funds at risk.

  • The AI WP does not embrace an agile regulatory approach, but active deregulation. The AI WP stresses that the UK ‘must act quickly to remove existing barriers to innovation’ without explaining how any of the existing safeguards are no longer required in view of identified heightened AI risks. Coupled with the “innovation first” mandate, this deregulatory approach risks eroding regulatory independence and the effectiveness of the regulatory regimes the AI WP claims to seek to leverage. A more nuanced regulatory approach that builds on, rather than threatens, regulatory independence is required.

  • The AI WP builds on shaky foundations, including the absence of a mapping of current regulatory remits and powers. This makes it near impossible to assess the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the proposed approach, although there are clear indications that regulatory gaps will remain. The AI WP also presumes continuity in the legal framework, which ignores reforms currently promoted by Government and further reforms of the overarching legal regime repeatedly floated. It seems clear that some regulatory regimes will soon see their scope or stringency limited. The AI WP does not provide clear mechanisms to address these issues, which undermine its core claim that leveraging existing regulatory regimes suffices to address potential AI harms. This is perhaps particularly evident in the context of AI use for policing, which is affected by both the existence of regulatory gaps and limitations in existing legal safeguards.

  • The AI WP does not describe a full, workable regulatory model. Lack of detail on the institutional design to support the central function is a crucial omission. Crucial tasks are assigned to such central function without clarifying its institutional embedding, resourcing, accountability mechanisms, etc.

  • The AI WP foresees a government-dominated approach that further risks eroding regulatory independence, in particular given the “innovation first” criteria to be used in assessing the effectiveness of the proposed regime.

  • The principles-based approach to AI regulation suggested in the AI WP is undeliverable due to lack of detail on the meaning and regulatory implications of the principles, barriers to translation into enforceable requirements, and tensions with existing regulatory frameworks. The minimalistic legislative intervention entertained in the AI WP would not equip regulators to effectively enforce the general principles. Following the AI WP would also result in regulatory fragmentation and uncertainty and not resolve the identified problem of a ‘complex patchwork of legal requirements’.

  • The AI WP does not provide any route towards sufficiently addressing the digital capabilities gap, or towards mitigating new risks to capabilities, such as deskilling—which create significant constraints on the likely effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Full citation: A Charlesworth, K Fotheringham, C Gavaghan, A Sanchez-Graells and C Torrible, ‘Response to the UK’s March 2023 White Paper "A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation"’ (June 19, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4477368.